Monday, October 29, 2018

QUICK HITS: FOX Midseason Schedule Suggestion

Here is my FOX midseason schedule suggestion!

FOX has had a pretty good fall so far all things considered, but they clearly are heading in a different direction as evident by their lack of scripted shows on the bench. It's too bad they are moving to a more unscripted/sports direction because they have seen decent seasons so far from their scripted Monday and Wednesday lineup and especially the Friday comedy block anchored by Last Man Standing.

8:00 The Resident
9:00 (Jan) The Passage/(Apr) 9-1-1
This is the FOX plan and I guess I'm on board with it to give The Passage a chance. But I'm skeptical on The Passage so they might end up wishing they had just seen through the season of 9-1-1 and then launched Passage later in the season.

8:00 (Jan) The Orville/(Apr) Big Bounce Battle
9:00 (Jan) Lethal Weapon/(Feb) Gotham
Tuesdays seem ready to be a surrender night but I still would yank The Gifted and let it fill in somewhere later in the season. I would put The Orville at 8pm and eventually replace it with the new Big Bounce Battle. I would let Gotham take the place of Lethal Weapon after its 15 episode season. I don't think any of these shows will work great, but I don't think they'd really work anywhere.

8:00 The Masked Singer
9:00 Proven Innocent

(late Mar)
8:00 Empire
9:00 Star
FOX seems intent of splitting the Empire/Star season again and that has worked pretty well for them in the past. I think The Masked Singer is a solid gamble here and I would pair it with Proven Innocent just in case Masked surprises.

8:00 The Four

(late Mar)
8:00 Showtime at the Apollo
9:00 Mental Samurai
I think FOX should give The Four one more chance at midseason in the slot where it did decently last fall. Late in the season, it can give way to some more unscripted shows... I guess.

8:00 Last Man Standing
8:30 The Cool Kids
9:00 (Jan) Hell's Kitchen/(Feb) Masterchef Junior
Fridays are working great for FOX, at least from 8-9pm. I don't see any reason to change that. Hell's Kitchen can give way to Masterchef Junior when the former's season ends.

7:00 (Jan) Encores/(Mar) Cosmos
8:00 The Simpsons
8:30 Bob's Burgers
9:00 Family Guy
9:30 Bless The Harts
I'm not sure if Bless the Harts would be ready to go this season but if it is, it's time to say goodbye to Rel, which is clearly a weak link. FOX seems intent on heading to an all animated night here anywhere so that makes sense to me. As they did when it last aired several years ago, the newest edition of Cosmos could air in the 7pm hour.

SUMMER: Spin the Wheel

HIATUS: The Gifted


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