Tuesday, October 6, 2020

TOP 10 TUESDAY: Top 10 TV Pets

My Top 10 for this week is Top 10 TV Pets!

Close Calls:
Fang (Get Smart)
Tiger (The Brady Bunch)
Salem (Sabrina the Teenage Witch)

10. Happy (7th Heaven)
Perhaps the best actor on 7th Heaven, or at least the most consistent, Happy was a loyal dog who always was there for every major family event. A dog who was able to be on a show that lasted 11 seasons is pretty impressive.

9. Stella (Modern Family)
I'm not sure that Stella was the most impressive pet on TV but I loved the way she impacted Jay. The otherwise tough guy became a ball of mush whenever he was dealing with his beloved dog and that was fun to see.

8. Djinn Djinn (I Dream of Jeannie)
Jeannie's crazy magic dog brought a lot of chaos every time he was on screen. He had a propensity for destruction, especially when encountering humans in uniforms. He was a fitting pet for that sitcom and character.

7. Lassie (Lassie)
Of course Lassie has to be on this list. The quintessential TV dog, Lassie was one of the first. She was MacGyver before MacGyver getting her humans out of any difficult situation they found themselves in (including, of course, being trapped in a well). 

6. Eddie (Frasier)
Eddie was the perfect dog for the odd combination of Frasier and his dad, Martin. He was a mix of Frasier's pretentiousness and Martin's good old boy mentality. And he had a ton of personality both in general and projected by the characters.

5. Marcel (Friends)
The only monkey on this list and one of the only pet monkeys in TV history, Marcel had a lot of personality during his run in the early days of Friends. The episode where they send Marcel away is mostly played for laughs but also surprisingly touching.

4. Dino (The Flintstones)
The modern Stone Age family's pet was fitting - a purple dinosaur. But he also was a member of that family and thanks to being a cartoon, was able to do more things than an average TV pet.

3. Mister Ed (Mister Ed)
Of course (of course) the talking horse would be on this list. It felt more often like Wilbur was Mister Ed's pet than the other way around but I digress. Ed's personality was the only reason a pretty ridiculous show worked to the extent that it did.

2. Porkchop (Doug)
Doug's dog had as much personality as any character on the show. A very loyal companion to the title character, he had a shining moment in a pretty awesome Christmas episode that tugged at the heartstrings and was all about how loyal and awesome dogs are.

1. Murray (Mad About You)
The best TV pet was the one that really was most like an actual pet. Murray didn't have as much personality as Porkchop or Mister Ed because he was more like a real dog - always there, sometimes making dumb moves and very loved by his family. It was the most accurate portrayal of a pet on TV.

Tomorrow: A One Season Wonder look at The Ellen Show!
Next Tuesday: Top 10 TV Bosses!

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