Tuesday, November 2, 2021

TOP 10 TUESDAY: Top 10 Chicago Fire Characters

I was going to do this a couple weeks ago but did a couple weeks of spooky sitcoms for my Top 10. So now, a few weeks after its 200th episode, I am counting down the Top 10 Chicago Fire Characters!

Chicago Fire has been on so long and I watch it every week but it's not a show I got back to after an episode has aired so it feels like a really long time since Leslie Shay was on the show. But she was a strong character with good stories over the first couple seasons. She was also the first major character to die on the show so it was a notable moment in the show's history. I always enjoyed her rapport with Gabby Dawson.

There was a lot of attention to the 200th episode because of the departure of Matt Casey, a character who has been with the show since the first episode. I understand his important place in Chicago Fire history and that a lot of fans love him, but he's never been my favorite. I don't always think Jesse Spencer is a great actor and I think Casey can be a little bit melodramatic and self-righteous at times. But he's very important to the show and deserves to be on the list.

Of the deaths on Chicago Fire, Otis was the most heartbreaking. He was such a sweet character who was very sympathetic most of the time. When his character died, I felt like Fire lost a little bit of its charm and sweetness because the characters lost the heart of the firehouse. Sure, he didn't always have great stories or important ones, but he was a reliably strong supporting character.

Stella Kidd is one of the better later season additions to the cast. It's been hard to see the ensemble fill out with more and more new characters after growing to love the originals, but Stella Kidd is certainly one of the strongest ones. She's had a lot of great stories that have been very specific to her role as a rising-up-the-ranks female firefighter and her stories with Severide always have a natural and relaxed feel like a real couple's stories would.

One of the two old guys on the team (besides the Chief), Christopher Hermann and his distinct voice has grown in stature over the course of the series. He wasn't given that much attention when the show wanted to focus more on the young, hot firefighters. But as it became more of an ensemble show, the series started to trust Hermann with more storylines (specifically involving Molly's) and he has been up to the challenge.

Mouch is one of the most likable characters on Chicago Fire. He really seems like a grizzled old veteran of a fire department who has been around the block and been through it all. I like that the show continues to give him wins, most specifically his marriage to Trudy. He, along with Hermann, make up a great team of the old guard. Maybe a prequel series with them in their younger years someday? Or at least a prequel episode? We don't really need more Chicago shows so an episode would be just fine.

Sylvie Brett is the best character on Chicago Fire who was not an original cast member. She's become one of the most prominent members of the cast though I wish the show would focus a little bit less on her love life. I remember when she joined, I felt like she was a weaker version of Leslie Shay but that seems like a lifetime ago and she has more than earned her spot. I find myself paying more attention to her stories.

I wasn't really a big "shipper" of the whole "Dawsey" craze back when Dawson and Casey were an item. But that's more because I'm not a huge fan of Matt Casey as I already stated. Gabby Dawson was the hardest character to lose on Chicago Fire. She had a great camaraderie with Leslie Shay and then Sylvie Brett and she was also a fascinating character in her own right, especially with a very organic crossover with Chicago PD. I still miss her.

Kelly Severide seemed to just be a stereotypical character at the beginning of the series. He seemed to be cast simply to be eye candy and play the "bad boy" role. But Severide has become such a great character over the years as the show has given him much more depth. He can handle really serious stories and he can handle some of the comic relief or light hearted stories. The show committed to not making him an empty character in an attractive body because Taylor Kinney was up to the task.

Of course it has to be Chief Bowden at #1. The glue that holds the entire firehouse together, Chief Bowden is a rock steady presence who commands both love and respect as well as just a teeny bit of fear from the people who work for him. Eamonn Walker was the perfect choice for the chief of a fire station because he's a dominating presence without ever being over the top. I think we would all like to work for someone like Chief Bowden.

Tomorrow: A One Season Wonder look at Sister Kate!
Next Tuesday: Top 10 Newhart Characters!

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