Tuesday, February 16, 2021

TOP 10 TUESDAY: Top 10 Theme Songs of the 2010s

Tuesdays are Top 10 Tuesdays where I count down a topic in the TV realm. This week is Top 10 Theme Songs of the 2010s! A reminder, it had to be any show that premiered in that timeframe even if it ran well into another decade. Also, the song had to have been written for the show (for example, Parenthood) or remakes (for example, Hawaii Five-0) wouldn't count.

Close Calls
The Crown

10. Mixed-ish (2019-Present)
The newest entry on the list, it's always nice to see a broadcast show actually using a longer theme song written for the show. I'm so-so on Mariah Carey in general but this works pretty well and I'll never be sad about sacrificing a few second of an episode for a longer theme song.

9. The Americans (2013-2018)
This isn't a song I would just listen to on the radio, but it's one that is perfect for its show. It's heart racing and infused with Russian inspired music. The first notes of the theme also could be especially jarring.

8. Schitt's Creek (2015-2020)
This unassuming and somewhat silly theme song fits the unassuming and somewhat silly show it belongs to. It's one of the songs that sometimes works better at the end of the episode than the beginning as the absurdity of the episode can sometimes time out to a nice run of the credits.

7. Blue Bloods (2010-Present)
I've always enjoyed the simplicity and regal feel of this theme song. There's not much to it but it's a slightly longer, non "legacy" or reboot theme song that's still on Broadcast TV and that's such a rare breed in that area. It's effective and to the point.

6. Stranger Things (2016-Present)
The theme to Stranger Things has already become a Halloween staple and made it onto many playlists for that time of year. Although I only watched the first season, I very much appreciate how much it sounds like an 80s movie soundtrack without being from an 80s movie soundtrack.

5. House of Cards (2013-2018)
I was tired of this show even before all the Kevin Spacey stuff but I never tired of the theme song. Its intensity matched with really interesting visual choices made for a great start to each episode. Streaming services, and their lack of concern about running times, have been helpful for theme songs not totally dropping off the face of the Earth.

4. Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013-Present)
This is a fun song that has an old school feel to it with clips of each cast member accompanied by the actor name. It's amazing how that used to be commonplace and yet is so rare today. Anyway, this is a fun and jazzy theme that is also intense enough for a police show, albeit a police comedy.

3. New Girl (2011-2018)
I just like how quirky, dare I say "adorkable," this theme song is. I appreciated it most when they did the full song which was less and less as the series went on. It didn't make a ton of sense but it was just different enough to be memorable.

2. Succession (2018-Present)
One of the best instrumental themes in recent years, Succession is just so perfect for the show. I don't know why but the song seems to be laced with sarcasm and the critical look at the family at the center of the show. That's not an easy feeling to pinpoint through music but this theme does it.

1. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (2015-2019)
Easily the best theme song of the last decade, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt has a theme that is infectiously catchy and uses autotune in perhaps the best way autotune has ever been used. It's one I want to sing along with the way I did for so many songs from decades past and I truly think it helped the show's popularity.

Tomorrow: A One Season Wonder look at Honey West!
Next Tuesday: Top 10 TV Couples!

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