Tuesday, November 3, 2020

TOP 10 TUESDAY: Top 10 TV Elected Officials

With today being Election Day, this week's Top 10 is Top 10 TV Elected Officials! Note, these are not the ten I would most like to have running my town or country. But I find them to be the most entertaining.

Close Calls:
Claire Underwood - House of Cards
Mellie Grant - Scandal
Tom Kirkland - Designated Survivor

10. Charles Logan (Gregory Itzin) - 24
Certainly not the most moral on this list, the season of 24 featuring Gregory Itzin as President Logan is its best crafted and most thrilling season. Itzin is just wonderful as the weasel-y and morally bankrupt president.

9. Robert "Bob" White (voice of Greg Lee) - Doug
Doug had such a great population of townspeople and adults including their slimy mayor who was so obviously concerned about his image over everything else. I think an adult-themed spinoff based on him could be enjoyable.

8. Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) - House of Cards
OK, I fully admit Kevin Spacey is a terrible human being. But those first couple seasons of House of Cards were thrilling before the show and then Spacey ruined it all. Frank Underwood was a scary force as the ever ambitious politician.

7. Peter Florrick (Chris Noth) - The Good Wife
Peter Florrick is TV's ultimate Teflon politician. No matter how many bad choices he makes, he still comes through it seeming charming and winning. That's thanks in large part to Chris Noth's underrated performance on the show.

6. Randall Pearson (Sterling K. Brown) - This is Us
Randall as a character has a lot more to offer than just his political career which is why he's not higher on this list. But it's always encouraging to see someone we know who is a good guy in a position where he has the power to make a difference.

5. Fitzgerald Grant (Tony Goldwyn) - Scandal
Tony Goldwyn gives a very strong performance as a president who is incredibly narcissistic but in a less obvious way than some (like one who's running today...). And because Scandal is so bananas, he's the only one on this list who has murdered a Supreme Court jusice.

4. Randall Winston (Barry Bostwick) - Spin City
Barry Bostwick was a hoot as the bumbling mayor of New York City on Spin City. He had a hilarious with his relationship, deputy (and star of the show) Mike Flaherty (Michael J. Fox) and played befuddled about as endearing as anyone could.

3. David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert) - 24
A shining light in a world of darkness on 24, Dennis Haysbert was one of the first black presidents on TV or in movies before we had one in real life. He was the moral center in the early seasons of 24 and a character who was easy to root for.

2. Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) - Parks and Recreation
The final two on this list should be obvious. First, the small town one. Leslie Knope loved government and loved bureaucracy but most of all she loved her hometown of Pawnee and helping the people there. If only everyone in small town government loved it as much as the relentless optimist Leslie.

1. Josiah Bartlett (Martin Sheen) - The West Wing
I mean, come on. Could there be anyone else at the top spot? Jed Bartlett is the President we all wish had been one of the 45 (so far) we had in American history. Intelligent, articulate, compassionate and so much more, he was the best part of a truly stellar cast of characters.

Tomorrow: A One Season Wonder look at 1990s flop Charlie Grace!
Next Tuesday: Top 10 Thanksgiving Episodes (pre-1995)

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