Saturday, February 18, 2012


It was hard to find a show that had a good week in a week of mostly declines across all broadcast networks and all nights but one show that showed real promise was the Friday debut of Undercover Boss. The CBS reality show was a huge hit on Sunday nights following its post-Super Bowl premiere in 2010. Then CBS gave it a full season and it wilted badly at the end of the year. CBS smartly held it until midseason where it had some decent Sunday showings and then gave CBS its best Friday 8pm showing in years. In an hour filled with reality series, this show is the clear winner for now. I think CBS would be wise to hold it until midseason every year because it seems to have audience fatigue after awhile.

It's sad to watch a once-great show die a slow death but that is what is happening on The Office and now the ratings are reflecting that as it continues to hit its lowest numbers since its debut season in 2005. It tied an all time low this week and could reach a new low in the coming weeks. The show always was a strong demo performer that skewed young even though the viewer total wasn't strong. Now it's just weak and can no longer be a Thursday tentpole show for a night that is collapsing for NBC. You can't blame them for trying to soldier on without Steve Carell but it's not working creatively or ratings-wise. Let's give this show some dignity, because it was once brilliant, and let it end after this season. But I doubt that will happen.

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